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fishing season 漁汛期。

fishing tackle

The apec summit coincided with the high autumn fishing season . to ensure safe communications and under the coordination of the municipal government , we cooperated with marine regulatory and fishery administrative departments in jiangsu , zhejiang and shanghai to wage a cable protection combat that involved 36 boats and round - the - clock watch keeping . fighting furious waves on the unbounded sea in resolute will , our staff expelled 1 , 457 fishing rule - violating boats and contributed in a tacit way to the safe communications of the apec summit 海底光纜是通信保障的薄弱環節, apec會議期間正值秋季漁汛高潮,為了確保安全,在市政府協調下,我方聯合了江蘇、浙江、上海的海洋監管和漁業管理部門,聯合行動,出動了36條護纜船,日夜拼搏,劈風斬浪,戰斗在一望無邊的汪洋大海中,驅趕違規漁船1457艘,為apec期間的通信安全立下了汗馬功勞。

For several months tyne has had a run of disappointing catches , and his boss was quite dissatisfied with him . so he decides to make one more trip before the end of the fishing season 最近幾個月,泰恩經歷了一系列失敗的捕撈,老板對他非常不滿,于是他決定在捕魚季節結束前再一次出海。

Sailling against the current is the very important period of spawning and feeded in the whole life time . the best fishing season is from december to the next febuary and april to june 分布于北太平洋西部近海我國的黃海和渤海產量多,東海較少漁期分春秋兩季, 4 - 5月份為春汛。

A philippine dish of marinated vegetables and meat or fish seasoned with garlic , soy sauce , and spices and served with rice 阿都波一種由海菜及肉或魚做成的菲律賓菜肴,用咖喱、醬油和香料作調料,佐以米飯

Closed fishing season 禁止捕魚季節

It is against the law for a man to knit during the fishing season 男人在捕魚季節做編織是違法的。

Celebrating the start of nation ' s fishing season 氣勢恢宏的中國開漁節

The new law has capped the fishing season in our area 新法令限制了本地區捕魚的時節。